Downtime is always annoying. Despite the quality of our products, it is important that you use original Jungheinrich spare parts to get up and running again.
Only original Jungheinrich spare parts meet the high performance requirements of our machines and protect against serious accidents caused by non-OEM parts. We generally reserve more than 100,000 original forklift spare parts for well over 10 years. Thanks to the optimum interaction of all the components, you achieve maximum reliability and maintain the value of your vehicle.
Only original forklift spare parts can meet the high demands you place on our vehicles. That’s why, should a fault occur in one of your vehicles, you should not reach out to third party equipment. Always trust certified Jungheinrich quality as your first port of call. Our Jungheinrich service for original spare parts includes:
Jungheinrich spare parts, just a click away.
With Jungheinrich Parts Online, all forklift spare parts can be ordered quickly and easily online – around the clock. Just go online, select and order a spare part. With 98 percent availability of Jungheinrich spare parts, your order will be on its way to you within 24 hours.
Benefits at a glance:
Making sure things run smoothly.
Need spare rollers or wheels without making your head spin? With original rollers and wheels from Jungheinrich, your forklift retains its usual high level of performance. At the same time, you minimise downtime, maximise service life and also ensure greater safety in your warehouse. And thanks to our extensive portfolio with 98 percent Jungheinrich spare parts availability, you can order the wheels and rollers you need at any time.
Benefits at a glance:
That little bit extra.
Your industrial truck has to deal with a wide variety of requirements and areas of application. These can often change over the course of its life cycle – due to new security requirements, changed warehouse and logistics processes or legal regulations. None of these present a problem – with the Jungheinrich original retrofit: with our wide range of retrofitting options from LED headlights to shock sensors, you are prepared for all eventualities. Our qualified Jungheinrich service engineers are also always at your side to professionally equip your forklift to meet your needs.
Benefits at a glance:
Making each truck even better.
With our Jungheinrich original accessories, your industrial truck will achieve even better levels of performance. Products such as collision detectors or impact protection systems also help to significantly increase safety in the warehouse. Our Jungheinrich Service helps you comply with increasing requirements and to adapt to the performance of warehouse equipment and forklifts to your individual needs.
Benefits at a glance:
Making everything run smoothly.
Jungheinrich Service helps you to maintain your trucks with the right consumables, which is essential to ensure that your industrial trucks perform consistently. That’s why you should always rely on Jungheinrich original consumables: our wide selection of hydraulic oils, gear oils, motor oils, spray kits, greases & cleaners and paints are specially tailored to Jungheinrich vehicles, guaranteeing the service life and reliable performance of your forklifts.
Benefits at a glance:
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